Our workshops are on EPALE (and not only there)!
The online journey to become familiar with inclusive LGBTIQA+ communication has just started: from what affirmative counseling is to developing a new cultural competence in SOGIESC topics.
After a long journey of preparation, consolidation, and the production of the first resource kit, the Pitch Perfect workshops are beginning!
There is no participant limit, and at the end of the workshops, we will provide everyone with a certificate of participation and course materials (which will be accessible to all, in 3 different languages, across various web platforms).
The workshops are primarily designed for psychologists, counselors, tutors, and facilitators working in listening centers and, more broadly, in individual or family tutoring and guidance settings. However, they are also open to anyone who, in various ways and through different tools, interacts with and supports families, young adults, and LGBTIQA+ people of all ages. This includes tutors, cultural mediators, social workers, volunteers, facilitators, and trainers. The workshops will be held in Italian, but the educational resources, which are free to use and access, will also be available in English.
Beyond involving people from our geographic and cultural “circle,” our goal is that, through EPALE, others involved in lifelong education and support for adults and families will join us as well :) Here is the link to the EPALE Event, where you can register for the workshop series: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/node/372333